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Rogue Mechanical Insulation is a highly regarded Oregon based mechanical insulation and firestop contractor that specializes in Commercial, Industrial, Refrigeration, and Firestop projects. Listed below are some of our most significant recent projects.
Previous Work
Rogue Mechanical Insulation

RMI has completed thousands of projects over the years and each one presents its own unique challenges. Challenges that we pride ourselves on overcoming effectively. RMI estimators and project managers work hand in hand with our customers to ensure the project is completed professionally, on schedule, and under budget.
With experience in virtually all segments of the mechanical insulation industry, there is no project we can’t handle. Whether it is insulating and jacketing large chillers, vapor sealing ammonia refrigeration systems, covering hydronic piping systems, wrapping ductwork, cladding million-gallon asphalt tanks or sewing custom built removable insulation blankets our highly trained professional installers work hard to present our customers with an effective, efficient and attractive finished product that will stand the test of time.
Construction of a large Central Utility Plant to service the entire Younglife campus once owned by the infamous Rajneesh. Completed 2018. Insulation services.
As of 2019, the newest addition to the St Charles Bend Campus. A 96,000 SF three-story intensive care facility. Insulation and firestop services.
The 3-story, 100,000 SF recreation facility. Completed 2016. Insulation and firestop services
the renovation and repurposing of an existing facility. RMI successfully completed the insulation of the new ducting. This included the complex installation of colored weather protective cladding of over five hundred feet of rooftop duct. Completed 2020. Commercial services.
The current ongoing construction of a new three-story cancer center. Project set for completion at the end of 2021. Insulation services.
The newest and largest addition to the Central Oregon High school system. This new $114 million dollar high school is one of the largest high schools RMI has had the opportunity to be a part of. Commercial services.
The world’s premier track and field arena. Completed in the spring of 2020. Insulation and Firestopping services
New hospital to service growing coastal town, Lincoln City. Completed 2020. Insulation and Firestopping services.
Synthetic chemistry laboratory upgrade. Completed 2020. Insulation and Firestop Services.
Science lab renovation. Completed 2018. Insulation and Firestop Services.
Both capital expansion and facility sustainability projects since 2017. Insulation services.
Boiler, Steam system, and freeze protection insulation on a variety of projects throughout the years at the Seneca Eugene mill. Industrial services.
Construction of a state-of-the-art, high efficiency, 6 story office building. Completed 2018. Insulation and Firestop services.